Saturday, February 25, 2012

Call for spring newsletter submissions - March 31 deadline

It is time to think about our spring newsletter. The deadline for submissions is March 31st - to Nicole Vaugeois at nicoleathome(at)shaw(dot)ca

Not sure what to submit? How about some of these ideas?

1. A photo of your horse(s) - in their winter woolies, out on your property, doing something new, sporting some new tack, or introduce your new horse to the members with a brief description of them!

2. A profile of you as a rider - tell us about yourself, when you started to ride, who you ride, where you ride, how you ride and what you love about CTR.

3. A description of your favorite trail - describe it, where is it, why do you like it, how far can someone go on the trails, are there access points, maps or issues with access?

4. An article - help educate the membership about anything related to CTR - horse health, how you train and condition your horse, tips on how to prepare for CTR, travel or camping tips, or the latest gear.

5. Gear and Gadgets - take a photo or give us a link on a new gadget that would benefit a CTR rider - why is it helpful and for what?

6. An advertisement - BCCTRA has a strong and loyal readership - consider submitting an advertisement to help raise money for the club while gaining exposure to the trail riding community on the website, blog and newsletter. Kay will send the updated rates to members soon.

7. Ride managers - submit an update on your ride to raise interest in where it will be, what will be new, updates on ride forms, etc.

8. Directors and officers - submit any news on BCCTRA for your region or area of work.
Make sure all submissions are sent ready to go. Send in a word file or in email with photos as JPEG files.

Thanks everyone,
Nicole Vaugeois
PR Director, BCCTRA

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